How Your Bowling Green Dentist Helps Your Tooth Decay

September 12, 2016

Cavities are today’s biggest oral health problem. Learn how Derik Utz DDS helps prevent and treat tooth decay in Bowling Green.Dr. Derik E. Utz teach patients about tooth decay in his Bowling Green dental practice. Learn how a cavity develops and what you can do to prevent or this all too common oral health issue.


Signs you May Need Root Canal Treatment in Bowling Green

January 11, 2016

woman with a toothache needs root canal treatment in bowling greenThe phrase root canal sends many dental patients running for the door. Over the years root canal therapy, covered by the dental specialty endodontics (endo=inside, odont=tooth), has earned a reputation for being extremely painful. At Dr. Erik E. Utz’s Bowling Green dental practice, we want to set your mind at ease. Root canal therapy actually relieves the pain associated with infected dental pulp. Root canal therapy itself is relatively painless, and patients need very little, if any, time to recover following successful treatment. Typically completed in one to two visits, root canals restore smiles and protect natural dental structure.

Bowling Green Dentist Dr. Utz Now Accepting New Patients

November 24, 2015

bowling green dentistFinding a dentist to visit once is easy. But one big factor in having excellent oral health is having a dentist to call your own — as in, one you want to see again and again. And finding a dental professional you want to establish a relationship with? That isn’t always so easy. But don’t worry — we’re here to help. Keep reading to learn about your Bowling Green dentist, Dr. Derik E. Utz.
